
Shoulder Dislocation Diagnosis and Treatment in Delhi

The human body has a lot of joints. These junctions are vital as they make the entire skeletal system mobile thereby enabling an individual to enjoy an active lifestyle. 

Yet, abnormalities like shoulder dislocations can be a cause of intense physical distress. In this post, let’s talk about this condition, diagnosis, and treatment.      

What is shoulder dislocation?

A shoulder joint is the combination of a socket and ball anatomically. Thus, when the ball part gets out of the socket, this condition is named shoulder dislocation in medical terminology.  

Are you searching for a shoulder pain doctor near me? If yes, ensure you only consult a well-qualified and experienced orthopedic specialist for the best treatment. 

Why does it happen?

Mainly, it happens because of the application of the sudden and intense pressure on the shoulder that is enough to bring the bone of your upper arm out of its sitting place under the socket.   

This dislocation event can occur because of external traumas like road accidents, sports injuries, and falls. Thus, if possible, avoid all sorts of activities involving high risks of joint dislocation like adventure sports, i.e., bungee jumping, rock climbing, etc.  


The first sign is that you will feel the visible dislocation around the shoulder. You will experience something that has come out of place, i.e., the ball part of your shoulder joint. 

In addition to that, swelling, redness, tenderness, and intense pain are other common symptoms of shoulder dislocation. 

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You won’t be able to move your joint to the fullest. There will be severe or excruciating pain around the affected joint while you mobilise it.  

Only the best orthopedic doctor for shoulder pain can diagnose the right condition and offer the most effective solution. 

How is it diagnosed?

A medical authority can utilise any of the following exams to get the visuals of the interior of your dislocated shoulder and then find out the extent of the problem or condition. 

  • X-Rays
  • MRI
  • CT Scan
  • Ultrasound

X-rays are cheap but they cannot produce detailed images. Thus, to get a clear view, the doctor can advise you to get an MRI done. 

Yet, many patients aren’t recommended MRIs because it is a technology that uses magnetic resonance to create images and thus, if the person to undergo an MRI has implants made of metals inside the body, it can impact them negatively interfering with the metal prostheses and health. 

In case an MRI isn’t viable, a CT scan is always the next option. Both these imaging exams are capable of producing detailed images of the inside of a dislocated shoulder.  

Ultrasound can be used along with an MRI or CT scan to diagnose injuries pertaining to soft tissue if any. These injuries are related to tendon tears or the accumulation of fluid inside the shoulder joint cavity.  

Treatments for shoulder dislocation

The following are the options to cure your shoulder dislocation:

Closed Reduction: Without any surgical cuts, your dislocated shoulder bone is made to sit again inside the socket putting the affected individual under general anaesthesia.  

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Surgical Intervention: In the case of a complicated shoulder dislocation, surgery could be performed to relieve the patient of the deformity and inflammation.   

Immobilisation: This technique could be used after the closed reduction to keep the shoulder in the right position so that it can fix itself again around the socket.  

Medication: After the treatment, you will have to use painkillers, muscle relaxants, and antibiotics to relieve pain, discourage physical discomfort, and fight the chances of infections. 

Rehabilitation: Once you have recovered well from medical assistance used to treat the dislocation, rehabilitation will begin. It will help work on the strength of the muscle, regain joint mobility, and resolve stability issues.    


The only piece of advice to ensure prevention is as follows. Make sure that you don’t fall or participate in activities dangerous to your shoulder joint.

Furthermore, while playing sports, ensure safety measures with good quality protective gear. If you exercise regularly, it helps strengthen your joints and muscles making you less prone to dislocation-related injuries. 

Things to remember 

Ensure the following things before a treatment.

Don’t move the affected shoulder too much as it can complicate the matter further causing soft-tissue injuries.

Use ice to reduce swelling and pain. 

Seek medical assistance as soon as possible so that the shoulder doesn’t get deformed.  

Things to ensure after the treatment

If your dislocated shoulder has been corrected using surgery, make sure you don’t try to move the joint right away. Keep it still for the recommended period of time. 

Use immobilisation tools like a splint or sling so it will fit in the right position without any risk of dislocation recurrence in the future.   

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Don’t miss physiotherapy. It is important as it will help regain muscle strength and joint mobility post operation. 

Don’t engage in weight-lifting activities using the operated shoulder joint. At least, for 6 months, provide it with enough time to recover. 

Have adequate sleep as this is crucial for a fast and normal rehabilitation process. During sleep, your natural recovery and rejuvenation processes set in. So, if you are awake till late at night, it might hamper the recovery process to go as it should be.        


If you have dislocated your shoulder, don’t worry. This situation is treatable today. The best thing is that you meet with the right doctor as soon as possible to prevent things from getting worse.  

Make sure you only get your shoulder dislocation correction from a well-authorised and qualified specialist. 

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